
At A Little Fantastic you'll find my reflections on living a sober life with presence and compassion. 

I share more about my journey to finding true freedom from alcohol, and things I find supportive in my life that might help you too. It's also a great place to meet other like-minded souls.

Please do say hi in the comments or send me a message. I'd love to hear from you.

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What to expect

  • A monthly piece focusing on a supportive practice, the truth about alcohol, or part of my sobriety story (see below for some examples).

  • Five Wonderful Things: something I’m grateful for, something I’m finding hard, and three things I love that I want to share with you.

Get started

I recommend reading these articles first to get an idea of what A Little Fantastic is all about:

Alcohol is the problem, not you
'Alcohol relaxes me’; is it true?
The day everything changed

Join us

Be part of a supportive community. You can share your thoughts and connect with others in the comments section of each piece.

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Subscribe to A Little Fantastic

Reflections on living a sober life with presence and compassion


I am a mother, writer, sober coach and mentor based in Lewes, East Sussex