I resonate with this deeply, Ellie. During the hardest of times, I remind myself that Nature is still there - welcoming...ebbing and flowing...offering refuge, solace, and an expansive perspective. In sobriety, all the more so, because I can be more present and receive more fully. ❤️

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Yes, I feel this so much Dana. Thank you for sharing x

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As someone finding my own kind of spirituality in nature and life and new places, I couldn’t agree more with you, Ellie. Beautiful piece. ✨

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Ah, wonderful. Thank you Savannah x

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This is so beautiful, Ellie. I've been living in a big city for three years and longing for the ocean, which always brings me back to myself. I'll move back to the sea soon... Congratulations on your sobriety. 💕

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Thank you Michelle ❤️ I hope you return to the ocean soon x

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Utterly beautiful writing, and I agree wholeheartedly. I never feel more held than when I’m laying on the ground beneath an old tree, or looking out over a lake, or viewing the world from up high in the mountains. She is medicine xxx

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Yes! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I feel this beautifully and succinctly encapsulates who you are and why you’re feeling called to do what you’re doing 🤍

For me, a walk in the woods is my reset and it calls to me when it knows I need it most

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Thank you Kerry - and yes, a walk in the woods is so soothing xx

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“Oblivion, really, was what I was looking for.” - oh my, I relate to this so so much. This was me in my early 20s with drinking. Agree so much with all of this, I’ve also found solace in nature.

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Thank you for sharing this Morgan. And I am so glad that you too have found solace in nature x

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This is a beautiful, the pictures made me feel so at home. I found my connection with nature deepened when I started to listen to my feminine cycle more, respecting my body brought a new connection with nature. The way I feel safe in nature and supported is like nothing else.

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Ah that’s so interesting and makes so much sense ❤️

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Lovely piece! Nature is where I truly feel serene and home 💚

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I’m so glad it resonated Morgane x

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This is so beautiful. It resonates on so many levels. Thank you for sharing xx

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I’m so glad Miranda. Thank you for reading ❤️

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Lovely piece Ellie. A familiar story here too. Since leaving London 8 years ago for the Derbyshire Dales I’ve been on a journey to reconnect with nature , my own nature really, and find the forests, hills and rocks so welcoming, nurturing and as you say accepting ✨

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Ah that's wonderful Ellen! I haven't visited the Derbyshire Dales but a Google search shows me they look beautiful x

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Glad you found your way back to nature!

And yes, I am indeed one of the uncool people that makes up early on the weekends to go hiking lol

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You mean one of the extremely cool people! What a wonderful way to start the morning :) x

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I loved this, Ellie. So much I relate to here. I often refer to the forest as my church. I’ve felt the presence of the Divine there overwhelmingly more than I ever have sitting in a church pew. Or sitting on a bar stool.

This piece lined up nicely with a quote I read today from Richard Rohr - when speaking about awe in the natural world:

“In the light of those moments, we get this sense that in the momentum of the day’s demands, we’re skimming over the depths of our own life. We’re suffering from depth deprivation.”

I spent way too many years with depth deprivation.

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Gosh, yes! 'Skimming over the depths of our own life'. I still feel this, often, when I get caught up in busy-ness/doing... Thank you for sharing this x

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Apr 4Liked by Ellie Nova

Such beautiful writing for such a beautiful thing 💛

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Thank you ❤️ Really glad you enjoyed reading it x

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I couldn't agree more, Ellie. Beautiful piece.

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Thank you Jessa ❤️

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This is wonderful

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