This is so lovely, and I smiled so much at the pebbles in the boots thing! Kids are hilarious. Xxx

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Ellie Nova

That cosmos is glorious Ellie! Well done for growing it from seed. Seeds are so magical. Also prompted me to write a gratitude list which I haven't been able to do for a long time. I look forward to reading more of these xx

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Ah wonderful - I’m glad this was a bit of a prompt! I often write gratitude for some of the things that I usually take for granted: having a home, running water, a bed, my sight, being able to read and write… And then I realise my life is overflowing with blessings.

And yes - seeds are totally magical 🌟

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What a sweet post. I look forward to more wonderful things from you.

I am also a nightly magnesium pill popper. I may try that spray! I have someone perfected this insomnia thing. I hear people say all the time that they’ve returned to such lovely restful sleep in sobriety. Not me! Still waiting for that to happen 🙃

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Thank you Allison! It just came to me in a moment that I wanted to share more of my life and discoveries with others, so I’m really glad you enjoyed it.

And yes I know - the sleep thing is annoying! So sorry you aren’t getting that too.

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I love this Ellie! Second nudge I received today to start up my daily gratitude practice again. I hear you on sleep, magnesium before bed helps! I do it for me and the kiddo, but sleep is you know 🤣

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This was a really lovely list Ellie and yes I am with you on being grateful for having family close by, my sister lives close and has two daughters my children’s age and it is so wonderful to watch them grow together.

Sleep is huge, I do whatever it takes to get a good night’s sleep, i.e. both children are in with me most of the night which is not perfect at all but they sleep better that way, and so do I as a result. I recently bought magnesium bath salts which I would also recommend.

Thanks for your recommendations, I look forward to checking them out!! xx

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Yes, we have co-slept with River too, mainly because that’s how we all get the most sleep! And I’m so glad your children can grow up close to their cousins too, such a gift. Magnesium bath salts sound great ❤️

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Sounds like a lovely weekend Ellie, beach adventures are always fun! I feel you on how much sleep affects your mood, although I'm used to surviving on not much sleep at all, on the rare occasions my youngest does sleep thriugh, I wake up and I think, oh this is what I'm supposed to feel like after some sleep! Literally feel like a different person. Might try that magnesium spray too x

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Yep totally!! I think I sleep much more lightly since becoming a mum, even if River sleeps through. Hoping that changes once they get a bit older…?!

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Yes, even when they do sleep through, like you say, it's not a deep sleep. X

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