Aug 16Liked by Ellie Nova

So. Damn. True. Every word of it. I am on Day 6 and working my through…reading this helps reinforce why I’m doing it. Thank you.

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So glad this info is helpful Nate :) Keep going! x

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One day at a time, Nate!

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Thanks for this educational article. It makes so much sense, just like smoking doesn’t actually relax you. We are victims of marketing!

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So fascinating. I ended up cutting down and eventually eliminating alcohol when I was struggling with an autoimmune disease.. the 'No' from my body just gradually got louder and louder. We definitely need more education on this..

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This is a great article Ellie. Really well written. Alcohol is so addictive. I quit smoking almost 40 years ago. That bad habit was easier to quit than drinking alcohol. Now with the great research you have provided here I now know why.

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Oh thanks so much for your kind words Peter! This was such an important one for me - it really changed things for me once I understood the science of what was keeping me trapped in the cycle of using alcohol. I'm so glad what I shared here has been useful to you.

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Sep 12Liked by Ellie Nova

Very helpful to focus on how even moderate (a glass or two of wine) drinking affects the body - anxiety, interrupted sleep - and to consider whether that is something I choose for myself.

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Absolutely. So glad this was helpful to you Jeanette x

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Wow this is such a useful piece and I wish every single person could read it and truly understand what alcohol is doing. Thank you for going into such depth. Xxx

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Oh thank you! Yes I truly hope it helps people to question whether alcohol is really meeting this need, so they can make an informed decision whether they want to drink.

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For most of my adult-life I abused alcohol, binging on it with my friends or simply having one glass of wine to relax. Your post clearly explains what I have been noticing, it only takes one glass of wine to disrupt my evening.

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I’m so glad this was helpful Karen - and even more powerful is the fact that you’ve noticed it for yourself. Having our own experiences as evidence to change our habits is absolutely crucial. Celebrating you for having the courage to get curious and honest with yourself x

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Strong, awesome write - about what's right. Thanks Ellie. One question I like to ask a recovery group is, "What's stronger belief or reality?" The results are pretty mixed and go all over the place, and that's the point, to discuss & look at these things - and which you do by straight on tackling the belief that "alcohol relaxes me" with a foot-long facts-sheet of awesomeness. May it sways a few (or many ; ) into trying a life without alcohol.

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Thank you. I assume much of this is applicable to cannabis, which I struggle with more than alcohol. This definitely made me face what I am doing to myself. Saving for later.

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Hi Liv, I’m so glad that this post was helpful to you. Being aware and honest with ourselves is a huge step, so I really want to acknowledge that in you. It’s incredibly courageous to look at habits and behaviours that we want to change.

I can imagine there is a lot of similarity with any addictive substance. And even without knowing the specifics of what cannabis might actually be doing to your brain and body, you can still ask the question ‘does it relax me?’ and reflect on whether that’s true. And then see if ‘cannabis doesn’t relax me’ is actually more true. Wishing you so much love on your journey xx

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One day at a time, Liv!

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Aug 17Liked by Ellie Nova

Great read Ellie, thank you. If only information like yours was taught to young people. Prevention is better than the cure, as they say.

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Absolutely. And then they would be making informed decisions about whether drinking alcohol was something they wanted to do.

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